Tuesday 30 November 2010

Busby Berkeley

Reconstructing geometric shapes and patterns using the body can be seen in the large group routines of choreographer and film director Busby Berkeley.

Monday 15 November 2010

Laban & Geometry

Rudolf  Laban (1879  - 1958) was a dance artist and theorist who inventented a graphical system of analysing and recording movement known as Labanotation. Laban describes the area surrounding the body as the Kinesphere, the lines of extension that trace movements to the dancers' furthest point produce a diagramatic representation of movements which resemble the geometries of crystalline structures.

In Labanotation the directional movement of parts of the body in space are represented by symbols which convey the transition from one movement to another and can be read in linear way, from bottom to top. The system allows a notation of movement from a basic description of which way a part of the body is moving to more complex anotations of facial expressions, transference of weight and quality of movement.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Burton Beach (Tango)

Burton Tango from Sybella Perry on Vimeo.

The video was shot on the Dorset coast with the soundtrack consisting of contact mic recordings from Musical Moving sessions and locational contact recordings of the beach.